Micah McDonald: Entrepreneur To Watch

Talk to many adults, and chances are, they’ll describe their innate sense of wonder and oversized dreams stemming from childhood. That common thread often ends, however, in the execution of those goals- therein lies the difference between those who obtain success beyond their wildest dreams, and those with ambition but little resolve.

For Real Estate Mogul, Entrepreneur, and Investor Micah McDonald, those two very traits- Texas-sized dreams and resolve- have yielded success in a dizzying array of diversified business models. 

“I’m probably an Entrepreneur more than anything,” Micah McDonald says. “I’ve invested money in different places, [have that hunger] of never being quite satisfied, and…. more than anything I’m not afraid to jump in to new ventures.”

Over time, he attributes much of his successes to honing in on specific strategies and sharpening his business acumen through trial and error. 

Born and raised in Alief, Texas, a working-class suburb of Houston, McDonald takes pride in his humble beginnings. As one of eight kids, he cites hardworking parents and his love of athletics as contributing factors to shaping who he would become. After receiving a scholarship to play basketball at local Houston Baptist University, McDonald admits to finding himself at an impasse- he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. He pivoted, and after a few years of community college and later a degree from the University of Houston, he landed a position at ExxonMobil. 

True to his introspective nature, McDonald looks at this as a learning experience as well, despite soon realizing the 9-5 grind was not for him. It would, however, provide an unexpected invaluable aspect—a mentor who took Micah under his wing. Under this man’s tutelage, “My mindset changed, and I wasn’t scared to dream and just go for it,” he says. “I am a walking example of anyone can accomplish anything they want- just go for it.”

Other lessons he gleaned? “Being taught to never take ‘no’ for an answer, just watching these [salespeople] in action, working through problems…that’s truly all business is, but a lot of people fail because of roadblocks.” Witnessing his mentor’s resilience truly changed his whole mindset, he stresses. 

He oversees real estate development in LA, Florida, and Houston. He is currently in the process of significantly expanding in the Texas market. Thanks to a growing team, he is optimistic about expansion in the near future. 

“What I envision over the next few years is continued growth. As an existing organized entity, we’re currently in the process of bringing in more team members, identifying properties, and securing capital.”

 In Texas specifically, McDonald has his sights set on Houston, Austin, and San Antonio, with primarily multifamily projects. “A lot of investors like things built and occupied,” he says. “I love to build”. 

This love of building, growth, and expansion is a common theme throughout our conversation. In addition to being a dreamer, his mentor inspired in him the ability to celebrate wins, keep motivating himself, and know that all it takes is inspiring one person- and remember how much he benefitted from a chance encounter.

As a former athlete, McDonald agrees that fitness is paramount in his life—in fact, he rates it as a priority above all else.

“Every day is busy, but I make fitness a priority. I consider myself a lifelong athlete,” he says. “Mobility, health, longevity, and keep moving—it all parallels my business successes. It is truly my form of self-care and self-love. Ultimately, it helps exponentially in all other facets of my existence.”

What else is on the horizon for this serial entrepreneur? A new tequila and mezcal brand called “Trulusso” is set to launch late this spring, one that McDonald is incredibly excited about. He also says he’s expanding his portfolio by investing in a few surgery centers, as well as leveling up on multi-family business development projects. 

Micah McDonald’s other passion lies in a nonprofit he founded called the Lucky 13 Foundation, which seeks to benefit underserved individuals and families, starting in his humble hometown of Alief. Giving back, keeping humble, and expressing gratitude for what he has obtained keep him grounded, and passionate about all that lies in his continued path of success in the future. 

For more information: IG: @iam_micah | Trulusso .com and on IG:@trulusso

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