Discovering Your Full Potential With Nick Nilson

Apart from Easter and Christmas, Nick Nilson hardly ever went to church as a child.

Growing up in Beloit, Wisconsin, Nilson’s early life revolved around football. His natural athletic ability and skill at the running back position earned him several scholarship offers from Division 1 universities. Nilson’s college aspirations would be put on hold, however, after suffering a severe knee injury. It would force him to reevaluate his future, and ultimately lead him on a journey to discover his purpose.

“That injury was the first test of my faith,” says Nilson. “God worked on my heart during rehab, and I stepped away from pursuing college football to pursue the ministry instead. God didn’t bring the injury, but He used it, allowing me to slowly walk away from what I thought I wanted to do and focus on what I was made to do.”

At age 18, Nilson left the path of partying and popularity seeking behind and set his sights on becoming a pastor.

“I’ve always had a passionate desire to help people,” he says. “During my search for peace and fulfillment Jesus offered me a solution, and it changed my life forever.”

After attending college in Rockford Illinois, Nilson moved to Houston, Texas. He would serve as Lakewood Church’s youth and young adult pastor for 12 years before becoming the Associate Pastor. His current role includes serving on Lakewood’s teaching team and aiding in the development of the church’s staff and ministry teams. He is also a consultant and public speaker with a large global following.

Nilson’s new book, entitled You Can Live the Dream, is set to be released on August 8th and will provide readers with essential tools for discovering their God given purpose and reach their full potential. He says his hope is that we can “begin to understand and experience the power of perspective, and how we may be one perspective shift away from experiencing joy, peace, and satisfaction!”

“I hope my new book becomes a way of life for people and allows them to experience a joyful state of mind, wherever they’re at. It highlights the power of letting go, valuing progress over perfection, and stepping out into the unknown in the face of fear.”

Deluxe Version asked him how he feels faith and leadership intertwine.

“They go hand in hand. If you want to leave a lasting impact it begins with serving others. There’s a chapter in You Can Live the Dream entitled “Power Move” which examines John 13:3-14, where Jesus exercises his authority, position, and influence by serving. Leading is serving, and it’s in serving others where we discover true satisfaction and fulfillment!”

Visit to preorder You Can Live the Dream | Follow Nick Nilson on Instagram at @nicknilson

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